Jonna Tervomaa - Roi

I chose good will. I believe in people´s good will because my somewhat hippie mind says that we need to look after each other. I don´t know if anybody gets this, but I try to explain. It doesn´t mean we should be more curious or do something for somebody without asking, but even knowing somebody we should be able to ask what´s the time without getting bad look. It´s about small things. What about asking something in general. "Can I borrow your screwdriver because I don´t own one?" "Could you please drive me home when you´re going, too?" Anyway, why should it be so difficult to give a helping hand when it doesn´t take anything from you? No money or energy get lost.
It´s been a year I broke up with my girlfriend. After the most hurting time I sent her a message and asked how is she doing. This may sound odd and not all behave like this, but my reason was I honestly wanted to know. She sent me a dvd I had forgot her place, said that wanted to give it back because it´s my favourite movie. So she didn´t wrote any message so I asked about it and were right about the sender.
We weren´t friends until yesterday. I asked if it would be possible. We didn´t know each other very well when started the relationship, so I thought why not to get to know better now. I don´t want to avoid anybody like "I can´t go there because they´re in there" (or be up to this person). I just want that everybody are happy. If she would had said "No, I don´t see us as friends" it would had been okay to me.
Respecting other people and their choices, it´s so much but you should get it back, too.
So this is my story about good will. I don´t believe in God or any "bigger power" that controls us. I believe in human.