"Onko tuo muka jotain elämää?"
Heli Kajo - Annankadun kulmassa
I do have long walks around my hometown,
appreciate my unfinished poems and try to fix them,
play with the cats so would get some sleep at night,
own a sketch book and some black marker pens
and bougth fluffy little rug to the bathroom from buy/sell/change,
but still don´t get anything done.
Waiking up at 5.30 A.M. and going to work. And then what? Something small but anything to mention. What makes me disappointed the most is that I have felt several years that I´m not so artistic. It always sounds very cool when someone says they are. Html, water colors, drawing with pencil, singing, guitar playing. At least I try to write and like English as well as my mother tongue. Yes, writing is my skill but I would like to be known as "good at (something everybody admires)".
So I care too much about other people´s opinions and forget myself?
Let´s think someone tells about a great vocation. I get jealous. Why? Because I was just thinking about future instead of doing something for it? Well, I was earning money and that´s important. I was concentrating on my hobbies (so I know how to make myself happy at the moment). And did you know, that I´m pretty sure I´d be a bit scared on a plane, not to mention ships.
Well, let´s go day by day, found it the best way.
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