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Thought 23

Hello lovely people. You might think what to give me for a housewarming gift ;)
At the moment I´m still in Oulainen, surfing on mulletoi.com. And here´s one thing I´d like to get, "poetry on fridge door":
One night left here, but I haven´t really thought about it because it´s been so much to do. Even tomorrow morning I have to go to work before meeting my family.

Last night I went to sleep about at 3 A.M. because watching some interesting videos on Youtube. They were young people´s stories about how they have "came out". You know, rainbow stuff. So these youngsters have had tough times with confusing questions in their head and had wanted to share experiences.
I came out three years ago. It´s still exciting, kind of. Every time with new friend I think "To tell or not to tell?". It doesn´t really matter but if I mention it feels more relaxed.

Pics from weheartit.com

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